Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Addler and Paxton // The Twins Turn One!

DISCLAIMER: Dozens of unbelievably cute pictures fill this blog post!

Today is a VERY special day! My twin nieces turn one! I still can't believe it has been one year. I can clearly remember receiving the phone call and rushing down to Brookwood Hospital and waiting what felt like forever. Addler and Paxton were born premature (just like my twin sister and I were all those years ago) so of course there was a sense of worry. We finally got the news that they were both healthy babies and I could not be more thankful! 

They spent some time in the NICU and had dozens of visitors. They stole my heart the moment I first saw them. 

The past year has been one of the best years of my life as I have watched the two of them grow and watch our family grow closer and closer. 

It is safe to say they are very spoiled by their parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents, and friends! But who couldn't spoil such sweet babies. 

There have been many firsts. First Thanksgiving, first Christmas, first day at the pool and even first tooth. I am looking forward to the many more firsts to come!

My brother and sister-in-law are two of the best parents I have ever met. They are always so generous, loving, and patient. I am so proud of the parents they have become. Addler and Paxton are beyond blessed to have you as their Daddy and Mommy. 

Addler and Paxton have grow from tiny little babies into precious one year-olds with endless amounts of energy! 

(The adorable new born pictures were taken by Sambo Photography!)

This past weekend we celebrated their birthday with a big frilly pink party! There was pink everywhere! I was honored that Kristin trusted me to help her plan and of course I was in ultimate party mode once we got going!

They took birthday pictures at LB Studios which turned out absolutely adorable! 

The colors for the party were pink and gold, so off we went to find anything and everything that fell into the realm of those colors! We found crowns, balloons, vases, and Kristin even had banners made with their names on it!

How awesome is this cut-out one!

Yes, we managed to stuff 60 balloons in the van! 

The day was breezy and luckily not too hot. We served hot dogs, dip, and tons of pink sweets! Kudos to Kirstin and Liz for making the rice krispies and chocolate covered pretzels! They turned out amazing!

Addler and Paxton each had a "smash" cake and of course there was a BEAUTIFUL ombre pink cake for the guests to enjoy. Paxton dove right into the cake while Addler was much more apprehensive!

Kristin found this awesome wooden number one that was perfect for the backdrop for guest pictures! We even used the giraffes from their nursery as props! (More fun pictures of the giraffes to come!)

Addler was not too happy about turning one!

Although Addler was not feeling her best, they sure did have a great time in the bouncy castle and the ball pit! The ball pit was probably the most genius idea of the whole party. We could not keep the kids (and the dog) out of it!

Winnie joined in on the fun! She was in heaven!

Of course the girls received a plethora of presents! How could we NOT spoil them??

As the day wound down, Pops took the kids on wagon rides!

And the boys had a little too much fun with the giraffes on the way home. Poor things!

I am so blessed to have such a wonderful and loving family. I love being an aunt to all my nieces and nephew. I love being a daughter to the best parents imaginable. I am lucky to have two brothers, a twin sister, and two fun-loving sister-in-laws!

I love you and Happy Birthday, Addler and Paxton. 

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