Monday, July 21, 2014

Noel's Baby Shower // Welcoming Baby Landon

This weekend was very special! I helped plan and decorate a baby shower for one of my best friends. Noel has been a friend of mine for the past eleven years, so I was very excited to help with this special day!

I could find some very embarrassing high school pictures but opted for a decent one!
Noel is such a special friend of mine and we have been through so many things in life together. Numerous memories and thousands of laughs. When I found out she was getting married last year I was thrilled. Her husband, Wally, is the perfect man for her and I could not be more happy for them as they get ready to welcome little Landon into the world. Landon will be so lucky to have such wonderful and loving parents and a big brother, Rowan!

The baby shower was so much fun to decorate. It was hosted at Noel's grandmother's house; a house that I had pretty much grew up in as well. Both Noel and her sister Lauren are pretty much my sisters rather than best friends. I am very lucky to have great girls in my life. 

The party planners!
We started decorating the night before. Me, Lauren, and our friend Amber started blowing up the balloons, decorating the walls, and making chocolate covered treats. We relived memories from over the past decade and anticipating the new ones to come! The next day we picked back up with the decorating and everything came together so nicely. Mostly because Noel was on Pinterest picking out the perfect ideas! 

We had a great turnout of friends and family! I know Noel and Wally were so happy to have family from both sides comes! A huge thank you to Noel's mom and Nana for hosting the shower and to Wally's sweet parents for helping out SO much! The shower would not have been such a success without the help of friends of course too! Friends and neighbors cooked and brought great food!

Take a moment and just look at how GORGEOUS the cake turned out! Edgar's bakery did such an amazing job!

We played games (and yes, the boys participated)! The diaper game was the most fun! We melted chocolate and put it in diapers and everyone had to smell the brown goo in the diapers and guess which candy bar was which! 

The next game was guessing the size of Noel's baby bump! 

The party turned out great and I am so happy Noel allowed me to help plan! 

I love you guys and I am so excited to meet baby Landon soon! This is going to be such an amazing journey for your two! 

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