Monday, July 7, 2014

All-American // Fourth of July Fun

This year I was excited as ever for the Fourth of July. 

My parents live on top of a mountain. I mean literally ON TOP of it. They have the perfect view directly across from where the fireworks of Thunder on the Mountain are shot off. This year, they had cleared the lot across from their house which made for a view that was ideal for firework viewing!

I love party planning. Any chance I can find to decorate and plan, I will take it! I am such a typical Type A personality. Planning, planning, and more planning. Is a Hobby Lobby addiction real? I think so. I made the cutest jars made from Mod Podge and tissue paper. Super easy and you can make any color or design you desire! 

Even Scout and Boo Radley were excited. Or we pretended they were!! Poor things!

We started the day off with friends, family, and pool - a combination that is always perfect!

And yes, I did wear an American flag bandana. Like I said, I love a good themed party! 

The day was a cool eighty-eight degrees and sunny. Alabama in July can be brutal, so anything below ninety and not humid is something to sing about!

The party guests arrived in the evening and boy did we eat! There was so much amazing food. We had ordered BBQ and the whole get up, but everyone brought their own favorite dip or dessert. I was not able to take many pictures of the food - probably because I was too preoccupied eating it. 

I made chocolate covered pretzels and fruit kabobs to add to the plethora of food!

Thunder on the Mountain did not start until 9, so we had tons of opportunities to take great sunset pictures!


The sun began to set around 8 PM, so we grabbed our blankets, tuned into Thunder on the Mountain radio station, and claimed our spot on the lawn for the perfect view of the fireworks!

 I am so thankful for great family and friends who made this Fourth of July unforgettable!

See you soon


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