Thursday, August 7, 2014

War Eagle // Football in the South

Football starts THIS month! Ever since I can remember, I have been an Auburn fan. My dad went to Auburn and my brother went to Southern Union. I remember taking trips down there to see my brother. We would stop in the store and buy a stuffed animal Aubie and stadium chairs then eventually make our way to Jordan Hare.

Although I had always loved Auburn, I never thought I would end up attending the university. I wanted to get out of Alabama and go to an out-of-state college. We even toured College of Charleston and I applied to Sewanee. Of course I applied to Auburn, but it was never truly in the running. 

I prayed about the decision and needed to listen to my heart on where I should end up. Then one day, I just woke up and said " I want to go to Auburn". And that was the end of my college hunt. It was by far one of the best decisions of my life. I fell in love with the campus, the people, and of course the FOOTBALL!

Living in the south during football season is no joke. It gets intense and the rivalries are insane. 

For those who know me, I have a twin sister. We live together. And she is an Alabama fan. We are truly a house divided. During football season, our house is filled with half Auburn memorabilia and half Alabama decor. Unfortunately, most of our friends fall into the Alabama fan base. So I am left rooting for the tigers on my own. 

I attended Auburn from 2008-2012 and loved it. I had ups and downs, met some of my best friends, had my heart broken, skipped class, tailgated on the quad, and learned more than I ever thought I would. I always hear the term "Auburn Family" to describe the university, students, faculty, etc. And it is spot on. When I was at Auburn I felt like everyone cared, they wanted what was BEST for me, and someone always had my back. Because we were all part of the Auburn tigers. 

When I graduated, I spent the day before the ceremony walking around the campus and reliving my years as a student. Four years. I could not believe it. I had been there so long, yet it seemed to fly by when I thought back on it. As I walked the halls of the Haley Center, I was taken back to when I was a freshman wandering around lost and confused. As much as I hated class, I knew I would miss the 8 A.M. walks to the library to cram for a test I had not studied for the night before. Campus was always alive. The spirit of Auburn was constantly surrounding you. 

The football games were probably my most fond memories of Auburn. Waking up early (and yes–even cracking open a beer at 9 A.M. on game days), turning the TV on ESPN, dressing in our best orange and blue, refreshing on our Auburn chants, and gearing up to cheer on our Auburn tigers! Win or lose, we were ALL IN!

From the all-nighters at the Ralph Brown Draughon Library (and that once flash mob at midnight) to the fraternity parties, the Alpha Psi Rodeo to hiking Chewacla State Park – my Auburn experience was unforgettable. And I can honestly say I miss Auburn deeply. I also miss my roommates, the people I met along the way, and those I only met for a short time!

Auburn will always hold a special place in my heart. I grew as a person while in college and I will never forget the amazing memories I had in my four year as a student.

Many more Auburn memories are in store for me! 


Until next time,

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