Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Sustain // Nourishment for the Spirit

Anyone who has ever met my parents know how wonderful and generous they are. My mom makes flower arrangements for terminally ill patients and my dad is constantly trying to make our community better by bringing the word of Christ to those who may have lost their way. 

Last year my dad had a vision. That vision grew to become Sustain. Sustain is a thirty minute informal service every Wednesday at noon in the chapel of South Highland Presbyterian Church. 

We all know how hectic life can be and we sometimes lose sight of what is really important. The mission of South Highland is to be fully alive with the passion of Christ. The service encourages us through meditative prayer, inspiring music by the amazing and talented Brian Authement, and a short message led by my dad, Terry Slaughter. Take a moment mid-week to recharge, rethink, and renew your faith. 

Over the past year, I have had happy times and pretty low moments. But attending these weekly services really reminds me of how much Christ loves me and it truly keeps me going. I encourage everyone to attend and spread the word. Come on your lunch break, it is only half an hour! 

We would love to have you there! 

My dad posts his weekly message online, so follow along. They are inspiring!

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