Monday, October 27, 2014

Fall Festivities // Rocky Horror, Hayrides & Pumpkins

This past weekend was full of so many fun fall activities. I don't know how we packed them all into 3 days! 

Friday night was the Rocky Horror  Masquerade Ball at the Alabama Theatre. This was my first year going, so I was a rookie. Thankfully my amazing friend Mary-Kate got us tickets (she was a judge for the costume contest) and she let me know what to expect! To say it was amazing is an understatement. There were people dressed up as everything you could imagine. From Mrs. Doubtfire to  Bob Ross and Ace Ventura to Thor. My sister, Erin, dressed up as Bob Ross. He is famous for being the painter on PBS in the 90's. "Happy Trees" and "Turn those mistakes into birds" became his catch-phrases! 

 Erin entered the costume contest, but sadly did not place in the top three. She was robbed! I thought her costume was one of the best! I dressed up as Black Widow from The Avengers. Only a few people knew who I was. Oh, well. Can't win them all! 

The whole Rocky Horror production was amazing. They have the movie playing in the background and the actors act the scenes out. The audience gets VERY into it. Before it starts, you have the option of buying a "prop bag" which has a bunch of stuff you can throw during the performance. For example, when Janet and Brad are at a wedding, the audience throws rice. I feel bad for the people who have to clean the theatre after Rocky Horror, but man was it fun throwing bread, rice, and toilet paper! It was truly a great night and everyone was in the Halloween spirit!

My parents were babysitting the twins this weekend while Ryan and Kristin were at a wedding, so we decided to take them out to Hayden, AL to the Great Pumpkin Patch on Saturday. This has been a tradition for years - probably because we wanted to go to a town with the same name as me! Haha! Charlie, Hardin, Ya-Ya and Rachel met up with us for the day! We ate way too much fried food (even a fried peach pie) and took a hayride to the pumpkin patch. The pumpkins were quite small, but it was a fun time! If you are ever thinking of a place to take the family, the Great Pumpkin Patch is amazing. They have horses, a petting zoo, bounce castles, and inflatable slides! Kids love it. I know Charlie does. 

 For the girls 1st birthday, I bought them two little kitty stuffed animals. Turns out they are one of their favorites. They both carried them all weekend. We even almost lost one while walking around the pumpkin patch but Aunt Hayden came to the rescue and found it! 

 Saturday night was spent relaxing with the family. Those are some of my favorite days. Spent with the ones I love the most!

 Sunday was pumpkin carving day! I love how my friends embrace my crazy side when it comes to fall and everything that it includes. I love it! Pumpkin carving is one of my favorite things to do. I love scooping out the seeds and keeping them to cook later! I used to always find the most intricate pumpkin design to carve, but as I have gotten older, I am not patient enough for that! I chose to do the Cheshire cat, or my version of it! I think it turned out great! Everyone had a fun time carving pumpkins and watching Hocus Pocus for the millionth time! 


It is the week of Halloween, so I am looking forward to all the movies, parties, and candy this week!

Have a safe and fun Halloween! 

Until next time, 


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